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精彩活动丨结缘冰雪 助力冬奥


   国际视野 中国梦





Course Introduction

  阳光 Sunshine  

    速度   Speed       

      冰雪 Ice and Snow       



On July 31, 2015, Thomas Bach announced that the host city of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games is Beijing. Beijing has become the first city to host three international events: the Summer Olympic Games, the Winter Olympic Games and the Asian Games.

"To promote the participation of three hundred million people in winter athletics" is General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest exhortation to carry out the mass winter sports campaign. In order to increase the popularity of campus winter sports and enrich the current athletics program, the International Department responded positively to the call of "introducing winter sports into the campus".



Coach profile

钱洪涛 Qian Hongtao





  • 2018 National Cross Border Selection of Coaches

  • Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Coach Professional Skills Challenge

  • Level 5 Social Sports Instructor

  • 13 years of teaching experience, skilled at teaching snowboarding and skiing



Students' Performance


In the second semester of the special art and sports class of this academic year, a total of 12 students from our international understanding experimental class participated in skiing.


Each week, the students will arrive at the parking lot in advance and take a bus to Qiaobo Ski Resort. Due to the distance, clothing, equipment and other reasons, skiing requires a higher time investment than other courses, but the students still enjoy it.




Q: 你为什么选择滑雪项目?

Why do you choose skiing?



Tian Jiayu: I like sports very much and want to challenge myself to learn new sports skills. In addition, indoor skiing is a sport that requires certain facilities that are not easily accessible. This opportunity provided by the school is very valuable.

Feng Xiaohan: Prior to this class, I possessed some foundational knowledge in skiing and hope to further my understanding and skills through this class.

Q: 在课上学习了基础技术后,滑雪会成为你的兴趣爱好之一吗?

After learning the basic skills in class, will skiing become one of your hobbies?


Tian Jiayu: Most definitely. After several basic courses, I have a deeper understanding of skiing - it not only requires familiarity in the skills and techniques, but also needs patience and unbelievable courage. For example, in the process of skiing to complete the turning and other specific movements, in addition to the need to experience the content taught by the coach, but also to overcome the fear of falling at any time, it's really a very strenuous exercise. Continuous progress makes me get the pleasure of success.

Q: 学习滑雪为你带来了怎样的好处?

What are the benefits of learning to ski?


Tian Jiayu: I have gained a lot by learning how to ski. Not only did I improve my balance and personal growth, but I also increased skills in an international sport. In the process of training, I also experienced some difficulties and fell down many times, but I didn't give up under the careful guidance of the coach. My body and mind were tempered, and I also gained the joy of success. After studying, I can embrace the freshness of ice and snow, relieve the tension of academic pressure. Every time I participate in the training activities, I feel that I can more easily refocus on my studies and truly experience the sense of achievement and happiness brought by sports, which makes our school life richer and more meaningful.

Q: 作为教练,您认为我们的学员学习状态、学习效果如何?

As a coach, what do you think of our students' learning status and learning effect?


After several lessons, the students have made great progress from having difficulty to walk on skis to being able to turn and slide freely on the snow way. In the process of training, the students are polite, disciplined, positive, and adept. Although in the beginning, some students thought that the difficulty of training was not very challenging, it is gratifying to know that now all the students are aware of the importance of basic skills. If they listen to the coach's guidance and concentrate on practice, they will benefit a lot in the future.

Q: 作为课堂助教,您观察到滑雪项目有怎样的亮点和价值?

As a classroom assistant, what are the highlights and values of skiing?


Skiing is a good aerobic exercise. Training in cold air can improve the cardiovascular system, enhance our lung functions, exercise our breathing ability, and benefit the physical development of students. The essence of skiing is the pursuit of balance. Most of the joints and muscles of the body coordinate and cooperate to find the balance point of our ever-changing center of gravity. In addition, sports can relieve pressure from the students’ daily studies, not only can adjust their psychological balance, but also can improve the efficiency of learning.





文字:刘冉 Hannah

图片:梁波 赵颜煜婷


